Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Darkest Light

In a dark empty black box I sit reciting lines
Mouthing the poetry of Elizabethan times
My thoughts racing in various other directions
Horrified by images; news feeding confections
In honesty wishing my mind and my eyes were apart
Echoing pit in my stomach cease swallowing my heart
Creases and cracks deepen into once thickest skin
Unsettled, shaken and more insecure than I’d ever been
Recede past centuries Love and Soul meant everything
This day their meaning blunted by Human Conditioning
Drape the final curtain around my bleeding heart
My time is now the dance of building a life apart
Twirling and leaping between past and present
Flesh chilled in the shadow of the moon’s crescent
Tightening the tunicate pulsing and bleeding through
Salty streams crest my cheeks knowing I have lost you

© August 2009


  1. This piece is beautifully painful...or is it painfully beautiful. Either way, it suited the sadness I've been feeling when grieving the loss of my dad lately.

  2. Thank you Julie...I am sorry for your loss and appreciate your comment it means a lot. :)
