Friday, May 29, 2009


She flushes my cheeks
Numbness coats me
Smallest hairs rise
Walking in circles
Drunk with dizziness
Only upon first meeting
My toes tipped in wine
Your voice like deepest
Notes played on the piano
Pangs, resonates, shakes
My soul within my soul
Now begins the burning
Blue base of the hottest
And most dangerous point
Tearing up
Looking up
Sitting up
Outstretching for you
Fingers wave amidst
Thinnest air; nothingness
Cupping the fire within
My eyelids shut tight
Pleading that you will
Just appear
Just appear
Just appear
Confident my body knows
But my eyes deceive
Am I blind because you are here
You hands are deep inside me
You fill everything
Color all my thoughts
Warm all my shivers
Yet I have touched nothing.
© October 2007

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